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17 / 18 MAY 2024 – 10 IYYAR 5784




If you feel unwell and think you might have caught the coronavirus (and remain at the contagious stage), please stay at home, look after yourself and get well soon. 




Under the current, difficult, situation, please be vigilant and please be careful. If you are unfortunate enough to experience an antisemitic incident, please call the police to assist you and, having done so, please report it to the CST on 0800 032 3263.












We are delighted to announce that Daryl Luder will be officiating at our Shabbat services.






Shabbat Emor 17/18 May 2024 – 10th Iyyar 5784




Shabbat starts at 8:35 pm on Friday evening. 




Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv will be at the Wembley Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue starting promptly at 6:30 pm.




On Saturday morning, please join us at 10:00 am, when we will be reciting Birkat HaShachar/Pesukei deZimre in the synagogue.




The Shabbat morning services will begin at 10:30 am starting from “Shochen Ad”.  Please make your best efforts to arrive on time so that Borchu may be recited with a minyan in its appropriate place in the service.




This week’s sidra can be found on page 513 in the Hertz chumash and on page 740 in the Cohen chumash.




Following the services there will be a kiddush.




Shabbat ends at 9:49 pm on Saturday evening.






Shabbat Behar 24/25 May 2024 – 17th Iyyar 5784




Shabbat starts at 8:44 pm on Friday evening. 




Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv will be at the Wembley Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue starting promptly at 7:15 pm (please note the change of time as the S&P community are celebrating a Bar Mitzva and have invited guests).




On Saturday morning, please join us at 10:00 am, when we will be reciting Birkat HaShachar/Pesukei deZimre in the synagogue.




The Shabbat morning services will begin at 10:30 am starting from “Shochen Ad”.  Please make your best efforts to arrive on time so that Borchu may be recited with a minyan in its appropriate place in the service.




This week’s sidra can be found on page 531 in the Hertz chumash and on page 764 in the Cohen chumash.




Following the services there will be a kiddush.




Shabbat ends at 10:01 pm on Saturday evening.










Shabbat Bamidbar, Saturday, 8 June 2024; the Hart family will join with the Community to remember Stuart with much fondness. Anthony, Clive, Timothy and Benjy will take our Shabbat services, which will be followed by a kiddush lunch. We will also take this opportunity to consecrate the bimah, donated by the Hart family, in memory of Stuart (following the stone-setting which will have taken place on the previous Sunday).






Annual General Meeting Sunday June 9 which will take place at the Shul at 11.00 am prompt






First Day of Shavuot, Wednesday, 12 June 2024; we will be holding a Communal Lunch after Mussaf. Further details to follow. 




Second Day of Shavuot, Thursday, 13 June 2024, we will be reciting the Yizkor Memorial prayers, if you would like us to read out the names of your dear departed relatives, please notify Sheila Braude via the office email


by Thursday, 6 June 2024.










If you are celebrating an Event or a Simcha, or, if you have reached a special milestone in your life, and you would like to share this with the Community, please email: 


by noon on the Wednesday, for the information to appear in that week’s newsletter. Unless we have permission from you to publicise it in the newsletter, we are prevented from doing so.








Please do not wait to be asked, if you wish to be called up to read a particular haftarah, please volunteer and let Charles Vitez know (via the office) so that it can be scheduled. 








Sheila Braude has taken over the role of Care Co-ordinator for our Community.  She will be available to receive information as to members’ needs and, where possible, to put members in touch with those who might be able to help them.  The role also includes, liaison with US Chesed (who can provide a number of different packages suitable for the housebound, etc,), arrange visitations to hospitals (always assuming that the member of the Community who is in hospital, has given permission for someone to contact them there) and to be a sympathetic listening ear for any member of the Community who comes to her with a problem.  You can reach Sheila on 07871754602 or via email on






The office in the shul is only very occasionally manned and we are therefore unable to collect post in a timely manner and, therefore, we cannot undertake to bank cheques, charity vouchers or cash without some inevitable delay.  This is particularly relevant if you wish to pay your shul bill other than by direct debit. We would ask you to please pay via BACS (see below) or ring Sheila Braude on 07871754602 and she can take your credit or debit card details. 




If you wish to make a BACS transfer, please use the following banking details:


NatWest Bank Sort code: 60-80-07;  


Account number: 79500420; 


Account name:  Wembley United Synagogue 




For those of you with family and friends in Israel we pray that they stay safe as we do for all of Israel. We wish you all good health and  Shabbat Shalom.  Stay safe.

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